Hydraulic, single-acting

Symmetric Piston Seal, as per profile K06-P, by selecting a different material, this profile can be adapted to suit diverse temperatures and media. Also suitable for larger cross sections (easier to install).

 Temperature Range  Max Speed  Max Pressure Sealing Element
-30 °C … +100 °C 0.5 m/s 25 bar (360 psi) ECORUBBER 1
-20 °C … +200 °C 0.5 m/s 25 bar (360 psi) ECORUBBER 2
-50 °C … +150 °C 0.5 m/s 25 bar (360 psi) ECORUBBER 3
-25 °C … +150 °C 0.5 m/s 25 bar (360 psi) ECORUBBER-H